Monday, June 17, 2013

Math 153 hw6

From Mathematics for the Secondary School Curriculum Vol. 3. Spring 2013. H. Wu.

Homework Assignments:
Section 16.6: #3, 4a
Section 17.1: #2b, 3, 5
Section 17.2: #1, 3 (allow  as "increasing")


  1. Hi.I got the book Understanding Numbers in Elementary School Mathematics by Wu.
    and I liked very much, I've been looking for the books Mathematics of the Secondary School Curriculum I, II, III but I have not been able to find them. Can you tell me where these books are available????

    1. The books were only available on Copy Central. They were distributed as a "reader" since it had a couple of mistakes here and there so it needed to be revised.

  2. Hi. Same thing here. I bought "Understanding Numbers in Elementary School Mathematics" and liked it a lot. I contacted Copy Central and they said the don't keep archives from 2010. Any idea how I could obtain a copy of this book?
    Thank you
